A Real Razão do Porque Você Deveria Sair de Todos Grupos

Sábado, 13:00h
RJ, Brasil
“Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” (Winston Churchill)

How boring is it just to see others going green?

That’s why I did my best to leave all WhatsApp and Facebook groups that always had some trading genius going green every day.

What’s the purpose of posting a screenshot showing green?

Of course — if the person posts it and helps the community around by showing what they did — then it’s all good.

In a group, the premise is that everyone is there to help each other. But what pissed me off the most was the type who always posted their “miraculous” greens and never taught anything.

And of course, they never had red.

It was just to inflate their ego.

And let’s be honest — there are a lot of suck-ups out there for all kinds of people. Even if they are just doing it to show off and/or in the end, sell some lousy tip service.

The worst part is that many people fall for it. Not the worst. Well deserved actually. =D

And With All That

But for us, my dear, what’s the value of wasting our precious finite time in this kind of place?

For me, only if the person is an emotional masochist.

If in such a place no one really helps each other and everyone is just there to show off and stroke their ego — and try to sell some crappy service — what’s the value for us to be with the herd of sheep?

Yes, because trading in Brazil has become the market of evangelical churches — on every corner, a fast-food of faith.

And of course, everyone has the SECRET. BUT! Here comes the but…

You have to pay to find out. HA!

Nothing against… if after payment there was something of quality and usefulness (which doesn’t happen).

So, for the sake of your trading/betting and your emotional well-being, start leaving all kinds of “sports trading” and “betting” groups.

No one there knows more than you.

If they really did…

…they wouldn’t be in any group but rather making money in the market!

Isn’t that right?

Of course, **ONE OR ANOTHER** group is worth saving in the sea of crap and obviously you should keep going — I myself am in some BECAUSE they bring quality information to my trader’s everyday life.

Everything else I left.

And you can’t imagine the positive difference this decision made in my emotional state.

Now that you know this, it’s up to you to continue or not.

Strong embrace,
PJ Pires
