What Is Sports Trading?

Starting with the direct answer:

Sports Trading is a form of investment, where buying and selling of odds on sporting events take place.

It is similar to the stock market, but involves analysis and investment in sports games instead of company shares.

This market moves millions daily on the Betfair Sports Exchange (based in England), making it an official and legal business.

Still little explored in Brazil, it already has several professionals profiting from investments in football games.

Is Sports Trading Legal?

Sports Trading is not prohibited in Brazil and can be compared to the Stock Exchange to explain it.

While company shares are traded on the stock exchange, in Sports Trading the results of sports games are bought and sold.

Operations on the Stock Exchange take place on Bovespa, while in Sports Trading they are carried out on the Sports Exchange (Betfair, Betdaq, Matchbook, etc.).

The goal in both markets is profit.

Is Sports Trading Better than the Stock Exchange?

Instead of analyzing companies on the Stock Exchange, you analyze sports and odds.

Just like on the stock market, it is essential to observe the “liquidity” of each item so as not to invest where you do not know how to redeem later.

Professional sports traders use statistics and studies to predict match results.

The operation in Sports Trading lasts around two hours, unlike the stock exchange which can be longer and more complex.

The odds are volatile and provide great winnings.

Entering and exiting investments is simple and can be done several times a day, protecting the investment and reducing risks.

Many people start Trading because they like the sport and end up making it their profession.

The ultimate goal is to make a profit and enjoy what you do.

Best Markets to Invest in

Trading occurs in sporting events such as football, tennis, basketball, horse racing, and several other sports (such as e-sports, American football, baseball, etc.).

The football market is one of the most popular, especially in Brazil.

In Sports Trading, you invest in the Sports Exchange against other people and can sell investments before the end of the game.

The profit or loss depends on the investment and the progress of the game.

There is the option of trading before the game, but profits may be lower and unforeseen events such as player injuries can affect the result.

Be careful not to get into a bad position.

In Sports Trading, it is not necessary to invest a lot to obtain good profits — it all depends on the chosen odds and patience in waiting for the right bet.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Sports Trading

To help with the comparison, see the list of advantages and disadvantages that will help you make a decision.

Advantages of Sports Trading:

  • Remote and flexible work;
  • You only need a device with internet access;
  • No bosses;
  • Flexible schedule;
  • Possibility of large profits throughout the month;
  • Low initial investment;
  • Possibility of profiting from something you like;
  • Make money watching and analyzing football games.

Disadvantages of Sports Trading:

  • Lack of experienced Traders to share experiences;
  • Need to work on weekends;
  • Lack of co-workers for interaction;
  • Lack of knowledge of the market in Brazil.

It is concluded that Trading can be profitable with study and dedication. It's not easy, but it's worth it.

Many people make money watching football games. Focus on the objective and good profits for those who dedicate themselves!