BetCard — Solução Final Para Depósitos/Saques nas Apostas

Yep, I have the solution to our problem!

After the Neteller nonsense leaving Brazil when it comes to betting, our world had that tremor (again).

But wait. I have the solution.


And I hope I’m not the only one… not possible that only I in a whole universe managed to think of the simplest, stupidest, and easiest solution to be implemented.


Betfair, light up the lantern and make coffee without sugar and let’s profit even more.

How Does BetCard Work?

Betfair has already cried here saying they’re doing their best to try to solve the situation.

Translating for you — a lot of money is going to stop being invested in their betting exchange. And since the only god of this earth is money, everything moves at an absurd speed when it comes to…


And that’s where BetCard comes in.

I even wrote a letter to Betfair telling them about it. I sent it by mail (let’s see if they can deliver it right in Malta).

Check it out:


Dear Betfair…

This was a gift from the transaction gods.

You guys know much more than me that the secret is to stay in the middle of transactions. You earn 6.5% on every single bet made on your Exchange.

Now imagine 6.5% on every deposit and withdrawal operation?!

You’d become even richer.

PJ Pires


The idea is this — create a Neteller-like card TOTALLY FOCUSED ON BETTING FOR BRAZILIANS.

Just put all the back and forth out of the country and it’s solved.

//betfair hires ME as a consultant
//subliminal message

If the Brazilian State, which is rapidly moving towards total socialism, gets in the way, set up an office in here and charge some fees (cough cough AstroPay already does that cough cough).

We will keep betting!


BUT. For me the ultimate solution would be BetCard by Betfair (with all operations in Malta or Curaçao).

Everyone would win with a simple, functional, and intelligent solution that would make betting grow even more in the land of pizza and the 5-day carnival holiday in February.

PJ MYTH of solutions.

And of course… for those of you who complain about Brazil… is it bad here in BR?


But if you don’t like it, go to Cuba. Or North Korea. It’s good there, right.

That said, this is the idea of 1 million a day.

Best regards,
PJ “under the effect of caffeine” Pires


Give me 1%.
