Infallible virtual football technique (watch until the end)

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25 thoughts to “Infallible virtual football technique (watch until the end)”

  1. I paid 300 contos for tips from a guy there, in his video he says he doesn't make a mistake, I paid and everything, the guy posts more in the free group than in the vip and another one makes a lot of mistakes, I found a guy on youtube that is free and more reliable, unfortunately I sent 300 contos in the trash.

  2. TOP, awesome content. It's going to break a lot of scoundrels who offer free rooms and who earn in VIP doing shit.

    I also believe that the house does manipulate the result, causing most of the profit to stay with it and the rest to be divided among the players.

    What explains this behavior is when you "discover" a pattern and then you start making bigger entries and out of nowhere the algorithm "perceives" an isolated profitability, and then when you are in a very high hand it decides whether it pays to keep you alive for kill you afterwards or if it already knocks you down so as not to harm the other players… anyway, these are theories, but after many analyzes that I did so much of probabilities, possibilities, mass of data and gales I started to suspect.

    They say that you have to understand the behavior of the system to extract imperceptibly from the market.

  3. You guys said everything, this virtual football I think they steal yes, I was earning 200 reais, with 10 reais at the end the goalkeeper threw the ball at the opponent's foot, and tied and lost, I don't play but I'm not out

  4. I just started playing virtual football, until now my point of view is, the bookmaker facilitates your first moves, thus making you profit, but after a few moves you start losing by games that are even favorites, so the house recovers all the money again.

  5. I lost 560. 10 games in a row I didn't hit over 2.5. When I lost everything in the tenth game. In the 11th and 12th match he hit over 2.5. I got stupid

  6. I bet from time to time I place bets with very low values.
    There are days that go well and days that don't work out.
    I realized that the best day to play is when the (Tarzan) name of the guy who plays.
    Usually at night.
    He is very bad and his games most of the time leave 5 goals or more.
    I play only in the 10 minutes games.
    After the 8 minutes when the odds are high.
    I bet the two of us players for the next goal, it's been paying off, but the secret is not to play every hour.
    At least I opted to bet only on those games with many goals.
    I take odds of 4 to 6.
    I'm having good results but always with my head in place, which is very important.
    I watch the games too

  7. They're saying that because they've never heard of the Top Hat Platform!!! Really many people changing their lives through virtual football!! It's not been 5 days of training it's two weeks or even more!! But after finishing the theory, the practice is easy, I have already profited and continue to profit. Without study and analysis, there is no result for anyone

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