Average corners PAYSANDU 2024 + Statistics

See more about PAYSANDU 2024 stats like average corners per game (in favor and against 1Q and 2Q), stats of both teams score or not, percentage of wins/losses/draws (total, with home team and away from home ), average yellow and red cards, goals over/under 2,5, goals over/under 0,5 and 1,5 in the first half, goals average in the first and second half and much more.

Paysandu 2024 Complete Statistics

How many corners does the game have? How many goals in the first and second half for and against?

How many goals are there per game? What is the average goals per game? And the average of cards?

Paysandu stats for laterals, goal kicks, fouls, penalties, offsides, kicks and etc? Not yet available.
