Average Corners ARSENAL + Statistics

See more about ARSENAL stats in 2024 such as average corners per game (for and against 1Q and 2Q), stats for both teams to score or not, average yellow and red cards, goals over/under 2,5, goals over/under 0,5 and 1,5 in the first half, average goals in the first and second half and much more.

Both teams will score

Arsenal BTTS stats

Both teams have scored in 47% of games involving Arsenal (both teams have scored in 9 of Arsenal's 19 games played this season). The average percentage of games in which both teams score in the English Premier League is 59,36%

Premier League BTTS Statistics

Over/under 2,5 goals

Arsenal over/under 2,5 goals stats

There have been over 2,5 goals in 53% of games involving Arsenal (10 of the 19 games this season involving Arsenal have ended with 3 or more goals). The average percentage of games in which there were more than 2,5 goals in the English Premier League is 62%

Premier League Over 2,5 Goals Statistics

Corners up/down

Arsenal corner statistics

Games involving Arsenal average 9,84 corners in total. Arsenal home games average 9,90 corners, and Arsenal away games average 9,78 corners. The average number of corners in games in the English Premier League this season is 10,56 (average corners won by the home team – 5,99, average corners won by the away team – 4,56).

Premier League Corner Statistics

Range over/under 0,5

Arsenal first half over/under 0,5 goals stats

There have been over 0,5 first half goals in 68% of games involving Arsenal (13 of the 19 games this season involving Arsenal have seen over 0,5 first half goals). The average percentage of games in which there were more than 0,5 goals in the first half in the English Premier League is 71%

Premier League First Half Over/Under 0,5 Goals Statistics

Range over/under 1,5

Arsenal first half over/under 1,5 goals stats

There have been over 1,5 first half goals in 37% of games involving Arsenal (7 of the 19 games this season involving Arsenal have seen over 1,5 first half goals). The average percentage of games in which there were more than 1,5 goals in the first half in the English Premier League is 38%

Premier League First Half Over/Under 1,5 Goals Statistics

Arsenal Complete Stats 2024

How many corners does the Arsenal game have? How many goals in the first and second half for and against?

How many goals does Arsenal have per game? What is the average goals per game? And the average of cards?

See this and much more:
