How to Bet on Virtual Football at Bet365

Quem gosta de apostas muitas vezes se diverte com o futebol virtual. E atenção: futebol virtual não é FIFA. No futebol virtual, você pode fazer suas apostas online.

Agora vamos aprender como apostar em futebol virtual na Bet365, um dos sites mais populares para esse tipo de aposta.

Como apostar no futebol virtual Bet365

O que é o futebol virtual?

Quando se fala em apostas em futebol virtual, muitos pensam logo nos jogos de FIFA em sites de apostas, nos quais se pode apostar em jogos virtuais.

Porém, futebol virtual não é FIFA!

O futebol virtual tem seu próprio espaço nos sites, sendo gerenciado por um algoritmo completamente aleatório.

Futebol virtual Bet365

No futebol virtual, os jogos gerados por inteligência artificial acontecem a cada 3 minutos em uma área específica do site, dedicada a esse tipo de jogo.

Esses jogos são gerados por um algoritmo que garante a aleatoriedade de cada partida.

Cada partida dura em média 1 minuto. Durante esse tempo, tudo acontece: gols e resultados dos jogos, por exemplo.

Trata-se de futebol virtual. Ao contrário do FIFA, onde são pessoas reais que determinam os desdobramentos do jogo, nessa modalidade é a inteligência artificial que controla tudo de forma aleatória.

E como apostar no futebol virtual na Bet365? É o que veremos a seguir.

Futebol Virtual Bet365: Como apostar?

Para apostar no futebol virtual pela Bet365, basta clicar neste link: Bet365 Virtual Football.

Você será direcionado diretamente para a seção de futebol virtual do site.

Encontrar o campo do futebol virtual também é fácil:

  • Access the Bet365 website;

  • No lado esquerdo, há uma barra com termos de apostas. Procure por “Esportes Virtuais” e clique;

  • Na página aberta, você verá vários esportes virtuais, mas o importante aqui é o futebol. Clique em futebol;

  • Pronto! Você está na área de futebol virtual do site.

E pelo aplicativo? Como proceder?

  • Abra o aplicativo da Bet365;

  • Os termos de apostas estarão no topo da página. Deslize a lista para o lado até encontrar “Virtuais”. Clique;

  • Em seguida, clique em futebol;

  • Pronto! Você está na área de Futebol virtual Bet365.

E quanto às apostas? O que fazer?

Há 4 ligas diferentes de futebol virtual: Copa da Europa, Campeonato Mundial, Premiership, Super League. Escolha uma delas para apostar nos eventos.

Cada evento ocorre a cada 3 minutos e as apostas só podem ser feitas antes do início do jogo virtual.

Você tem cerca de 1 minuto para fazer sua aposta antes do início do jogo.

Você pode acompanhar o jogo na tela, pois ele é transmitido como uma partida real, mas com figuras em 3D e duração de aproximadamente 1 minuto, mostrando os “melhores momentos” do jogo.

Os mercados principais no futebol virtual são:

  • Resultado final: onde você aposta em qual time vencerá ou se haverá empate;

  • Dupla possibilidade: onde você aposta em 2 dos 3 resultados possíveis do jogo;

  • Placar correto: onde você precisa acertar o placar exato da partida;

  • Mercado de alvos: autoexplicativo;

  • Resultados no intervalo e no final do jogo: onde você aposta em quem vencerá no intervalo e no tempo completo;

  • Número exato de gols: onde você precisa acertar o número preciso de gols na partida;

  • Handicap Asiático: aposte apenas se compreender handicaps;

  • Resultado e Ambas as Equipes Marcam: onde você deve prever quem vencerá a partida, ou se haverá empate, além de indicar se ambos os times marcarão gols;

  • Número de gols da equipe: aqui você deve adivinhar o número exato de gols da equipe que escolher;

  • Primeira equipe a marcar: autoexplicativo.

Nas apostas de futebol virtual, tudo acontece muito rápido. Você pode ganhar muito dinheiro, mas também pode perder muito rápido.

Portanto, se você não conhece bem o futebol virtual, não se aventure sozinho; pelo menos não sem orientação! Porque você pode acabar perdendo dinheiro nesse tipo de aposta.

Dicas para apostar em futebol virtual na Bet365

Se você tem interesse em apostar no futebol virtual pela Bet365, nossa recomendação inicial é: entre em um grupo de futebol virtual!

Sim! Participe de um grupo especializado nesse tipo de apostas.

Existem vários grupos de futebol virtual, com pessoas bem entendidas no assunto.

Esses grupos podem fornecer ótimas dicas e ajudar a gerenciar seu orçamento de apostas.

Em grupo, vocês podem fazer boas apostas diariamente. E, embora não seja milagroso, existem grupos muito lucrativos! com acertos chegando a 90%.

É importante lembrar que o futebol virtual é gerado por inteligência artificial e os resultados são aleatórios. Portanto, é crucial apostar em grupos de futebol virtual, pois eles têm o conhecimento necessário para interpretar os algoritmos das casas de apostas.

Agora, se você decidir apostar sozinho, sem conhecimento prévio e sem auxílio de ferramentas… é como apostar cara ou coroa: 50% de acerto, 50% de erro. Boa sorte!

O melhor conselho para apostar em futebol virtual é: junte-se a grupos especializados! Caso contrário, é melhor evitar esse tipo de aposta.

Obrigado por ler! Boa sorte nas apostas!

Free4All Bet365 How It Works [Get Questions Correct And Win]

Here we will present you with a great chance to win betting credits at Bet365, the largest global bookmaker. Basically, it is a novelty known as Free4all Bet365, which means “free for all” in reference to the number four. Join us to find out how Free4All Bet365 works.

Many people like to bet for fun and, if they are lucky, win money, however, on some occasions they do not have the funds to play on a betting site.

In order to keep users active on the platform, Bet365 offers opportunities for those without resources to bet, through its new promotion, Free4all, allowing even individuals without an account balance to obtain betting credits.

Let's find out everything about Bet365 Free 4 All promotions.

Free4all Bet365 How it works

Free4All Bet365 – Understanding the promotion

Let’s start by addressing promotion availability:

In other words, this promotion will not be available daily.

Another relevant point to highlight is:

This promotion is only valid for games selected by Bet365.

Not all matches are included in the promotion.

And how to check if there is a match with Free4All available that day?

  • Access Bet365;

  • Sign in to your account;

  • Look for the “Football” category;

  • Then go to the “Free Games” tab.

The game with Free4All active will be available there.

How does Bet365 Free4All work?


When accessing the page of the chosen game BEFORE THE START OF THE MATCH, open the “Free4All” tab specific to that game and answer two pre-game questions about the 1st half.

Who will score the first goal? { } – Home team { } – Away team

Choose one of the answers…

Will there be a goal before the 25th minute? { } - Yes No

Choose the other answer.

When the match starts, if both of your answers are true, you will have completed the first half successfully.

While the game is stopped, return to the “Free4All” tab and answer two more questions for the 2nd half of the game.

If both of your answers come true in the 2nd part, congratulations. You won!

And what is the Free4All prize?

You will win R$25 in betting credits.

It may seem small, but for those who don't have resources, it's significant!

NOTE: All 4 questions must be answered correctly to obtain credit. Answering just two or three is not worth it. You need to get them all right.

Is there a trick to win Free4All Bet365?

Honestly, this game depends 100% on luck.

In our opinion, there is no strategy that guarantees victory in the promotion, for the following reasons:

  • It is necessary to answer the questions before the game starts;

  • It is not possible to predict which team will have the first bid in favor, for example;

  • After taking the first step, there is still a second, in which luck is necessary to be successful.

Therefore, we do not believe that there is a strategy to win the game. It all comes down to intuition, good intuition and luck.

However, as participation is free, why not try your luck.

Conclusion: What do we think of Bet4's Free365All promotion?

We participated in the promotion, we played, however, unfortunately we were unable to win the challenge.

However, we have a very positive view of this promotion launched by the house.

This is an additional challenge for sports betting enthusiasts, regardless of whether they have financial resources or a zero balance.

This is an interesting way to offer free bets to site users. With this challenge underway, the house will not suffer major losses as few will successfully complete the game.

Free4All is probably here to stay. And we fully support this Bet365 initiative!

On the Terror das Apostas website, we have several articles like this and many others about sports betting in general.

If you want to delve deeper into this topic and learn everything about this universe, don't hesitate to explore our website and discover what we have available for you.

We hope this post has clarified the Free4All Bet365 Promotion.

Fantasy 5 Pixbet: Discover How It Works!

Have you already noticed that Pixbet offers something special in the Fantasy area? Welcome to the ideal place to learn about Pixbet Fantasy 5 and how it improves your betting.

In Brazil, fantasy games have become popular since the success of Cartola. Several games emerged, not only football, but also basketball and other sports.

With the increase in popularity of Fantasy games, many bookmakers, such as Fantasy Bet365, created their versions, and Pixbet was not left out with its Fantasy 5.

In this text, we will reveal all the details of this exciting game and answer all your questions about how it works and the prizes at stake.

If you don't have a Pixbet account yet, register to participate in Pixbet Fantasy 5.

Would you like to learn more about Fantasy 5 Pixbet? Read on to find out how the game operates!

Pixbet Fantasy

How does Pixbet Fantasy 5 work?

Fantasy 5 Pixbet operates in a similar way to other games of its type, and we are here to clarify in a clear and concise way.

This game is called Fantasy 5 for a specific reason, and we're going to explain that now.

The main feature of this Fantasy Pixbet is the assembly of your team each round, selecting just 5 players. The best part is that participation is completely free, yes, free!

Understanding Fantasy 5 Pixbet in detail

understand fantasy 5 Pixbet

The name “Fantasy 5” comes from the fact that you need to select exactly 5 players for your team in each round.

But how does this work in practice?

In each round of the Brasileirão Série A, Pixbet selects 5 highlighted games.

Games selected by Fantasy 5 Pixbet

Your task is to choose 1 player in each of these games to make up your team. Each selected player must achieve a specific target score.

  • Athletico PR x Internacional

  • Build your team with one player from each match:

    Players selected by Fantasy 5 Pixbet

  • Vitor Roque (Athletico PR)

  • Yuri Alberto (Corinthians)

  • Each selected player has a specific target score, for example:

    This means your players need to reach or surpass this score for you to emerge victorious.

    What are the Fantasy 5 Pixbet prizes?

    At Fantasy 5 Pixbet, prizes are distributed as follows:

    • If 2 players reach the target score: you win R$2.

    • If 3 players reach the target score: your prize will be R$5.

    • If 4 players reach the target score: You receive a prize of R$10.

    Now here's the surprise:

    • If all 5 of your players reach the target score: you have a chance to win the incredible amount of R$55.555.

    However, it is worth noting that if you get all 5 players right, the prize will be divided equally among all users who also get all 5 players right.

    Get ready to participate in the competition and perhaps win this tempting reward of R$55.555 at Fantasy 5 Pixbet!

    How scores work in Fantasy 5 Pixbet

    How Players Score in Fantasy 5

    To understand Fantasy 5 Pixbet and maximize your score, it is essential to know the scoring rules. Here is the full list of valid scouts and scores at Fantasy Pixbet:

    Eurobasket 2022, Don't Miss It

    With the Qatar World Cup so close, other competitions may go unnoticed. However, FIBA ​​Eurobasket 2022, which will take place between September 1st and 18th of the same month, is one of those great tournaments that you should not forget to follow.

    With the Czech Republic, Italy, Germany and Georgia hosting the group stage games and the final taking place in Berlin, keeping your eyes open could be very profitable, especially with the amount of professional betting tips that can easily be found if you come across the right place.

    euro basket

    This is a great time to take a look at the groups and teams to try and get an idea of ​​what the tournament will be like.

    A group


    Estrela bet Aviator: How does it work?'s Aviator is a famous small plane game available on several betting sites, including But how does it work? Let's find out!

    The basic principle of Aviator is to increase the bet amount as the plane rises. However, it is necessary to end the bet before the plane “runs away”.

    Aviator Estrelabet

    Understanding Aviator

    If you are familiar with sports betting, or at least know how to multiply, you will understand how Aviator works.

    Imagine having R$50 and turning that money into more money. Literally!

    You can play on Aviator available on the website.

    When you bet your R$50, the little plane starts to rise and multiply your money:

    With this, your R$50 becomes:

    But to win this money, you need to close the bet before the plane “runs away”, because if this happens, the money is lost.

    Find out how Aviador works:

    Bet that the plane will rise and multiply your money, but remember to end the bet before it “runs away”.

    If you close the bet before the plane leaves, the money is yours.

    Otherwise, if the plane runs away, you lose the money.

    Is it possible to make money with Aviador?

    In the short term, it is possible to earn money for a barbecue or beer with friends.

    Now, if you think Aviator is a fantastically rich way to get rich in the long term, forget it! It doesn't work like that.

    This game, in all betting houses where it is available, has an algorithm that favors the house.

    Unlike sports betting, where it is possible to specialize and win, in a casino algorithm this is impossible.

    So in the long run, NOBODY will get rich off the Aviator. There will probably be many losses.

    Profiting from Aviator is an illusion that digital influencers plant in their followers.

    The truth is that the game has a guaranteed profit margin of 3%. If you play 1000 rounds, it will be almost impossible to succeed!

    Aviador fun guaranteed!

    If you know how to watch your bets, are there to have fun and try to make some extra money, and don't get scammed, Aviator is a great way to spend your time trying to make a profit.

    It is important to understand that the bookmaker will ALWAYS have an advantage in the long run, beating you and other Aviador players.

    So, treat the game as something fun. Bet little by little. When you make some good money, leave and come back another day.

    The more time you spend playing Aviator, the more likely you are to lose everything you've won and more.

    If you are making a profit, get out and enjoy the money. Another day, try your luck again.

    Aviador summary

    • Bet your money;

    • The plane starts to climb and the multiplier increases;

    • The higher the plane, the more the multiplier grows and the more the money “grows”;

    • End the bet when you think it's time, before the plane flees;

    • If the plane runs away and doesn't complete the bet, you lose money;

    • In the long run, it is practically impossible to profit more than you lose in this game (unless you are extremely lucky).

    This is the essence of Aviator.

    Aviator Tips

    Here are some tips to improve your Aviador bets at

    Round history:

    You can check the spin history on the game screen to see previous multiplier values.

    This gives you an idea of ​​performance at certain times of the day.

    It is possible to place bets of different amounts on the same round with the double bet.

    Double bet on the Aviator:

    With the double bet, you place R$10 in one box and R$10 in another, for example.

    By increasing the plan and multiplier, you can close your bets at different times.

    • Bet 1 = ended at 1,50x

    • Bet 2 = ended at 2,30x

    This increases the security of the bet, because when you close one, you can let the other rise to try to make more profit.

    It is also possible to use “automatic withdrawal”.

    Automatic payment at Aviador:

    With automatic withdrawal, you choose the multiplication point at which you want to automatically close the bet.

    For example, if you choose auto close at “1,30x”, the bet will be closed automatically when the multiplier reaches that point.

    These are some game tips to help users improve their strategies.

    However, in the long term, it is highly unlikely that anyone will profit from Aviator.

    Stay up to date with everything related to betting. Visit our website and check out all available articles: Betting Terror.

    First to Take Corners: How this market works

    Betting on corners can be an excellent way to profit from sports betting. There is a market, First to Take Corners, that offers good opportunities for this. In this article, we will explore how this market works and present winning strategies for making money from it.

    First of all, it is important to understand this market, which is one of the best known among local bettors.

    First to Take Corners

    Who gets the better of the corners?

    The First to Take Corners market is known as the “race” between teams. A real race!

    It consists of betting on which team will get the first X number of corners in the game. That simple!

    It is a competition between teams to see who first reaches a certain number of corners in the game.

    Let's see an example:

    Game in the Icelandic Premier League, Akranes against Hafnarfjordur (curious name, isn't it?!).

    Let's see the market prices for First to Take Corners for this match:

    Note that, for the market, Hafnarfjordur is the big favorite in the corner race, reflected in lower odds for him.

    Reading this market is simple! Look:

    • To reach 3 corners first: Quote 2.10 for Akranes; Quote 1.66 for Hafnarfjordur.

    • To reach 5 corners first: Quote 2.37 for Akranes; Quote 1.72 for Hafnarfjordur.

    There is also the option to bet that neither team will reach a specific number of corners. However, it is risky to do this before the game starts.

    Even so, the basic concept of this market is now understandable. Right?!

    What to know before betting on First to Take Corners?

    Before investing in this market, it is essential to know some things about it, such as:

    • Although it is possible to bet before the game, it is much more advantageous to do so live. This increases your chances of getting the bet right.

    • As with other corner markets, analysis is key here. Studying and interpreting the game are essential skills to stand out in this peculiar market.

    • First to Take Corners can be profitable in the long term, as long as you understand the market and know how to make the best use of it.

    • These are some points to keep in mind, as they are not fixed rules. However, it is advisable to consider them when betting.

    So, now that you understand what the “race” or “first to turn” is, let's provide some tips on how to make the most of this market.

    Tips and strategies for betting on First to Take Corners:

    We are going to share some great tips that, if followed exactly, will certainly bring success in this particular market.

    Analysis! You need to analyze the teams:

    It is crucial to carry out a detailed analysis of the performance in corners of the teams involved. To make things easier, we have an excellent article on the best corner analysis sites, which will be of great help.

    In this article, you will find out where to do your analysis on teams and corners.

    Do your analysis before the game and write down all the information, making it easier to play live.

    “What should I analyze?”

    Aspects to consider include:

    • Training schedules for each team;

    • Team objectives in the championship;

    • Average number of corners per match for each team;

    • History of corners in games between these teams;

    • The team that typically has the most corners, whoever reaches a specific number of corners first.

    With this information written down, it will be easier to understand the game live. Having all the data at hand increases your confidence.

    Always follow live:

    Betting before the game may seem like an option, but it's best to do it live based on prior analysis information. This greatly increases your chances of success.

    During the live match, the scenario will be clear: which team is superior, which is more aggressive, etc.

    With an accurate reading of the game, your chances of success increase considerably.

    Bet on teams that attack a lot and use full-backs, have a history of corners and abundant shots. They will probably be the first to reach 5, 7 or 9 corners. This is a fact!

    Pre-game analysis will be your compass during the game, but it is essential to read the game accurately in real time. Watch the scenario unfold live.

    Betting on teams that already have 1 or 2 corners to reach X number of corners is a good option, as long as they constantly seek to attack.

    We have another excellent article on corner betting that offers some great tips. Be sure to check it out.

    Bet after 60 minutes:

    An effective strategy is to bet in the last 30 minutes of the game on teams that have 2 or 3 corners left to reach X number of corners, for example:

    Flamengo x Santos – Minute 60'

    – Flamengo took 6 corners;

    – Santos made 4 corners;

    First to reach the market corner:

    Corner Comparative Bet: How does it work?

    If you're looking for something educational and easy to understand about comparative corner betting, you've come to the right place.

    Discover the meaning of a comparison bet in the context of corners and why betting on them can be advantageous.

    Follow this text until the end to learn more about the corner comparison betting market.


    What is a corner comparison bet?

    The corner betting comparison is easy to understand. Explore this market option with us.

    In comparative betting, just analyze some parameters, such as the corners in play.

    Let’s consider a game between Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund…

    A comparative bet on corners between them aims to determine who will have more corners or whether both will have equal numbers.

    That simple! Comparative corner bet is that.

    Compare the corners between the teams and whoever has the most wins.

    Some observations

    • Comparative corner bets are placed before the game, meaning they are pre-game bets. The live mode does not allow this!

    • Drawn corners between teams are attractively priced as they are unlikely to occur.

    This is essential information about corner comparison betting.

    How do corner comparison bets work?

    One of the crucial observations about this market has already been mentioned here: it is pre-game bets.

    Now, let’s explore more about corner betting comparison.

    How to find this market?

    Incidentally, the corner betting comparison market is not uniform across all bookmakers, which can make finding this market difficult.

    I will show you how to access this market on the Bet365 and Betano betting sites.

    Through Bet365

    • Access the Bet365 website or application;

    • Choose a game to bet on;

    • Look for the “Corners” tab and click on it;

    • Scroll down until you find the “Corners – Comparative Bets” market and make your choice.

    At Bet365, this market is called “Corners – Comparative Bets”. However, not all bookmakers use this name.

    Via Betano

    • Error 1009 Bet365: How to Solve this Problem?

      Error 1009 on Bet365 is rare, but it can happen. So, how to solve it? Find out in this article.

      To understand error 1009 on Bet365, it is important to know why it occurs.

      Let's explore the error that appears at Bet365.

      Error 1009bet365

      What is error 1009 on Bet365?

      Error 1009 on Bet365 occurs when the site is blocked in the user's country.

      The error code informs about the blocking of the site on the territory.

      “Site owner restricted access based on IP location.”

      What is the solution to this situation?

      This error is extremely rare and indicates that the user's country is banned from Bet365.

      That's right?

      But why does the site work at night and is blocked during the day?

      Blocked overnight? Can this?

      No! The country was not banned! And the error is not in the devices used.

      How to resolve error 1009 on Bet365?

      This error is temporary! It's a matter of waiting until it's fixed.

      As users, we cannot solve the problem.

      The only option is to wait! Unfortunately, that's the way.

      Now we have to wait for Bet365 to resolve the internal error.

      The site will soon be back to normal, don't worry.

      • Your IP is not in trouble;

      • Your devices have no flaws;

      • The country has not been banned from Bet365.

      The problem will be resolved soon! Be patient.

      Why does error 1009 occur on Bet365?

      This error arises due to high traffic on the website, leading to disconnection from the platform.

      It can occur at major events, such as a World Cup.

      Even with investments to avoid interruptions, during busy periods, the website may experience difficulties.

      Despite your efforts, error 1009 can happen in specific situations.

      Error 1009, what now?

      As it is related to excessive access, wait a few minutes and try again to join a virtual waiting line.

      You will soon be redirected to the website after waiting in line.

      Avoid constantly updating the site when you encounter error 1009 on Bet365.

      • Take a break, go out to relax;

      • Get busy with other activities.

      Refreshing repeatedly will not resolve the error on Bet365.

      Don't panic if you already have open bets. Just wait.

      For more information about sports betting and related articles, visit Terror das Apostas.

    How to Close Partial Bet on Bet365?

    We know well the importance of the close bet button, or the withdraw button, as you prefer, in various betting situations. And did you know that it is possible to “close a partial bet”? I didn't know?! So follow along!

    Let's start with the basic removal.

    This functionality allows bookmakers to close bets at any time during the betting event.

    And withdrawing money often saves our bets.

    • Did you bet more than expected? End the bet and start over.

    • Everything is going wrong and you want to save money? It's closing time!

    • Did you win the bet and the profit is good? Close the bet and guarantee your profit.

    In situations like these, the close bet button is a great ally.

    Did you know that it is also possible to close a partial bet? Yes, that's it! You collect part.

    Let's explain how it works.

    How to close a partial bet at bet365?

    How does closing a partial bet work?

    Closing a partial bet is basically a way to avoid losses.

    Imagine you bet R$30 and the total possible return is R$70.

    The bet goes well and you can withdraw R$51, with a profit of R$21.

    In other words, a profit of R$21 in addition to the amount bet.

    So, decide to withdraw R$15 of the profit and close the bet with R$45.

    You will have R$6 remaining for a new bet on the same ticket.

    This way, you will receive back the R$30 from the bet, plus R$15 in profit, and the R$6 will be used in a new bet, which, if it wins, will bring even more profit.

    Is closing a partial bet a guarantee of never losing?

    Absolutely not! Partial withdrawal is only advantageous when the bet is already profitable. Otherwise, there is no point in using it.

    If the team you bet on is losing 1-0, withdrawing R$12 won't make a difference.

    So, partially closing in this case would be useless, as you are already at a disadvantage.

    The objective of partial closing is to guarantee the amount bet, make a profit on it and use the remainder on a new bet.

    Another example of partial bet closure

    To clarify, another simple example.

    You bet R$50 with odds of 2,00, totaling R$100 in return.

    The bet team scores 1 goal and wins, increasing the loot to R$75.

    Choose to withdraw part of the value…

    Withdraw R$60 (R$50 bet + R$10 profit)…

    With R$15 remaining.

    The house uses the R$15 in a new bet on the same game, on the same ticket, enabling more winnings if the new bet is successful.

    How to access the Bet365 partial bet cancellation tool?

    The Bet365 resource, right?!

    • When betting, next to the Bet365 withdrawal button, a gear appears. Click on it.

    • When you click, you will have the option to use the partial closing tool.

    Thanks for reading! Happy betting!

    What is a Double Double in Basketball?

    Have you ever questioned the meaning of a double-double in basketball and how it can influence your bets?

    Recently, the Double-Double and variations like the Triple-Double have become quite popular, especially with the growth of basketball betting. Why is this market so popular?

    Compared to other sports such as football, basketball has fewer betting options, leading bettors to explore emerging markets, such as double-doubles. When understood and used correctly, this type of bet can be highly profitable.

    In this article, we will delve into the world of double-doubles in basketball, highlighting their benefits and how you can profit from betting on this market. Furthermore, I will explain why you should consider this option more often in your bets at Bet365.

    Ready to learn all about double-doubles in basketball? Let's go!

    What is a Double-Double in Basketball?

    What does the term double-double mean in basketball?

    In the world of basketball, double-doubles play a fundamental role for both spectators and bettors. But what does this really mean?

    A player achieves a double-double by recording 10 or more in two of the game's five main statistics.

    By reaching this mark in at least two of these categories, the player achieves a double-double, indicating an above-average performance, with exceptional versatility and skill in evidence during the match.

    While a double-double in basketball may seem like an extraordinary feat at first glance, the reality is a little different. Although impressive, some athletes managed to maintain an average of more than 50% of double-double games.

    For bettors: imagine you are betting on a point guard to get a double-double in a game. Your bet will be a winner if he achieves, for example, 10 points and 10 assists.

    It is important to note that it is common to see offensive players achieving double-doubles mainly in points and rebounds, while guards generally reach this mark in points and assists. Double-doubles involving steals or blocks are rarer.

    Therefore, when analyzing your bets in the double-double market, it is recommended to focus mainly on the statistics of points, assists and rebounds.

    Individual Score Variations in Basketball

    In basketball, individual players' goals can vary significantly, reflecting different levels of skill and versatility on the court. Among these objectives, some stand out due to the frequency and challenges they represent:

    • Double-Double: Achieved when a player scores at least 10 points in two of the game's five main statistics: points, assists, rebounds, steals and blocks.

    • Triple-Double: Moving forward, a triple-double is achieved when a player scores 10 points in three of these main categories, demonstrating exceptional skill in multiple areas of the game.

    • Double-Triple-Double: A rarity where an athlete reaches 20 points in three distinct statistical categories. This requires performance well above average.

    • Quadruple-Double: Another rarity in basketball, achieved when a player scores 10 points in four of the five main statistics. This demonstrates exceptional versatility and mastery of the game.

    These individual goals are indicators of a player's extraordinary talent and significant contribution to the team. Understanding these achievements helps fans, players and bettors better appreciate the complexity and beauty of basketball.

    List of players with the most doubles in the NBA

    As mentioned previously, some athletes have managed to maintain an average of more than 50% of double-double games. Tim Duncan is the record holder with 841 double-doubles in his career. Check below a list of the greatest double-doubles record holders of all time.

    Best Sites to Get Basketball Doubles Statistics

    Understanding and analyzing basketball double-double statistics can be complex, involving tracking five categories of data to evaluate averages and predict the likelihood of a player achieving this achievement in a game. To facilitate this analysis, it is essential to have reliable and detailed sources of information.

    These sites offer a wide range of data, in-depth analysis and intuitive tools, making them indispensable resources for fans, analysts and bettors interested in better understanding player performance and making more accurate predictions.


    As highlighted, achieving a double-double in basketball is not a simple task. However, with the right strategy and focus, it becomes an achievable goal.

    We emphasize that to be successful in the double-double betting market, it is not enough to just observe the points scored by the players. It is essential to expand the analysis to include rebounds and assists, two statistics that often make the difference between average and exceptional performance.

    Understanding the details and intricacies of double-doubles in basketball not only enriches your understanding of the sport but also improves your betting strategies.

    To do this, we recommend using reliable statistical sources and monitoring player performance. This way, you will be well prepared to make informed decisions, whether as a fan, analyst or bettor.

    Remember: to be successful in the double-double market, you need more than superficial knowledge. It takes in-depth analysis and a comprehensive understanding of game dynamics. Always be prepared, use the correct tools and, most importantly, never stop learning.