የቤንፊካ የማዕዘን ውጤቶች በአንድ ጨዋታ 2024 + ስታቲስቲክስ

በ2024 ስለ ቤንፊካ ስታቲስቲክስ በጨዋታ አማካኝ የማዕዘን ኳሶች (ለ እና በ 1Q እና 2Q)፣ ለሁለቱም ቡድኖች ጎል ማስቆጠር ወይም ላለማድረግ፣ አማካኝ ቢጫ እና ቀይ ካርዶች፣ ከ2,5 በላይ ግቦች፣ ከ0,5 በላይ/ከታች እና 1,5 የበለጠ ይመልከቱ። በመጀመሪያው አጋማሽ በመጀመሪያው እና በሁለተኛው አጋማሽ አማካኝ ግቦች እና ሌሎች ብዙ።

ሁለቱም ቡድኖች ለማስቆጠር

Benfica Ambas Marcam Estatísticas

Both teams score in 47% of games involving Benfica (both teams scored in 14 out of 30 Benfica games played this season). The average percentage of games in which both teams score for Portugal Primeira Liga is 53.9%

Primeira Liga Ambas Marcam Stats

ከ2.5 ግቦች በላይ/ከታች

Benfica Over/Under 2.5 Goals Estatísticas

There was over 2.5 goals in 63% of games involving Benfica (19 out of 30 games this season involving Benfica have finished with 3 or more goals). The average percentage of games where there were over 2.5 goals in Portugal Primeira Liga is 55%

Primeira Liga Over 2.5 Goals Stats

በላይ/ከማዕዘኖች በታች

Benfica Escanteios Estatísticas

Games involving Benfica average 10.33 escanteios in total. Benfica home games average 11.40 escanteios, and Benfica away games average 9.27 escanteios.The average number of escanteios in games in Portugal Primeira Liga this season is 10.27 (home team average escanteios won – 5.77, away team average escanteios won – 4.49).

Primeira Liga Corner Stats

የግማሽ-ጊዜ በላይ/ከ0.5 በታች

Benfica Half-Time Over/Under 0.5 Goals Estatísticas

There was over 0.5 goals at half-time in 67% of games involving Benfica (20 out of 30 games this season involving Benfica have had more than 0.5 goals at half-time). The average percentage of games where there were over 0.5 goals at half-time in Portugal Primeira Liga is 68%

Primeira Liga Half-Time Over/Under 0.5 Goals Stats

የግማሽ-ጊዜ በላይ/ከ1.5 በታች

Benfica Half-Time Over/Under 1.5 Goals Estatísticas

There was over 1.5 goals at half-time in 43% of games involving Benfica (13 out of 30 games this season involving Benfica have had more than 1.5 goals at half-time). The average percentage of games where there were over 1.5 goals at half-time in Portugal Primeira Liga is 38%

Primeira Liga Half-Time Over/Under 1.5 Goals Stats

የቤንፊካ 2024 የተሟላ ስታቲስቲክስ

ጨዋታው ስንት ማዕዘኖች አሉት? በመጀመሪያው እና በሁለተኛው አጋማሽ ስንት ጎሎች ለጨዋታ እና ለጨዋታ ቀርበዋል?

በጨዋታ ስንት ጎሎች አሉ? በጨዋታ አማካይ ጎል ስንት ነው? እና የካርዶች አማካይ?

ይህንን እና ሌሎችንም ከዚህ በታች ባለው ሠንጠረዥ ውስጥ ይመልከቱ።

የቤንፊካ ስታቲስቲክስ ለጎራዎች፣ የጎል ምቶች፣ ፋውልቶች፣ ቅጣት ምቶች፣ Offsides፣ ምቶች እና ወዘተ? እስካሁን አልተገኘም።

ዛሬ በቤንፊካ ጨዋታ ስንት የማዕዘን ኳሶች ነበሩ? የትናንቱ ጨዋታ ስታቲስቲክስ? ባለፈው ጨዋታ ስንት የማዕዘን ምቶች ነበሩህ? ይህ መረጃ የሚገኘው በResults.com ድህረ ገጽ ላይ ወይም በ Sofascore.com ድህረ ገጽ ላይ ነው - በቀላሉ ወደሚፈልጉበት ጨዋታ ይሂዱ እና ተጨማሪ ይመልከቱ።
